Portraits: Four climate stakeholders

In this section you’ll find out about young ambitious people, public authorities, companies and NGOs that have an impact on climate change in Serbia. Some of them are small organizations, some have a big audience, but nevertheless they want one thing – a healthy and energy efficient environment.


In the interviews section you will learn more about people who have decided to have a stake in environmental protection and climate change in Serbia. Through the interviews you will have the opportunity to meet people to whom ecology is of great importance and who are trying to secure a better ecological future in Serbia.


Student and ECO activist - Jana Cekić

Jana Cekić is a fourth-year student at the “Bora Stanković” grammar school in Niš. She has been involved in activism since elementary school and has recently become the local coordinator of the EXITO team for Niš.

Exito is an activist club that originated in Kuršumlija as an idea by 4 high school students who wanted to make a change in the community and encourage their peers to take action. Exito team realised the project “Oplaneti se! Recycle” where they enriched the yards of high schools in Kuršumlija with seedlings and bins, with the aim of raising environmental awareness.

Why is ecology important for Jana? How is she trying to make her community more eco-friendly? Watch the video below to find out.


Energy manager of the city of Niš - Bojan Gajić

Bojan Gajić was born in Niš in 1972. He graduated from Bora Stanković grammar school as well as from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš summa cum laude, majoring in process engineering.

He has been the Energy Manager at the City of Niš since 2019 but he was also the Energy Manager of the municipality of
Knjaževac, Head of the Department for Communal Affairs and Energy in the Secretariat for Communal Activities, Energy and Traffic at the City Administration in Niš.

He is also the author of several scientific papers in the field of energy efficiency published in renowned publications. He speaks English, writes and reads in French and German.

What are challenges that he has faced working on a sustainability projects? How did he overcome them? Watch the video below to find out.


Intern at "E-reciklaža" company - Petrija Popović

Launched in 2010, E-Reciklaža has become the biggest WEEE recycling facility in the whole Balkan region. The main activity of the company E-reciklaža is to recycle the waste of electric and electronic equipment.

E-Reciklaža has international experience of waste management around the globe, regarding e-scrap materials disposal/treatment/recovery.

To find more about this facility in Serbia watch the interview with an intern Petrija Popović below.



Organisation "Klima 101" - Nemanja Milović

Organisation “Klima 101” aims to raise awareness and educate the public about the causes, consequences and dangers that impact climate change. They want to raise awareness by making sure that people are well-informed, talking openly not only with those who do not know enough on the topic but also those who believe that everyday human activities do not affect our climate.

What projects have they implemented so far to combat climate change? Which challenges have they faced so far?




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