Portraits: Four climate stakeholders

Below you can watch the video portraits of four Spanish climate stakeholders.


Luis González Reyes: Citizens promote the transition

Luis González Reyes is part of the Garúa Cooperative which facilitates activities focused on eco-social transitions. They work on training (from school to university) and research – such as how to make transitions towards sustainable economies that benefits employment. (Subtitles by Natalia Jane Pérez)

Watch the video here: Entrevista Luis González Reyes Editada – YouTube

Carlota Mateos: Hotels should be part of the solution

At the age of 19, Carlota created a company for hotels oriented towards sustainability in rural Spain. The fact that people live and work in rural areas means fewer fires, prevents desertification and protects water resources among many other valuable benefits. That is why generating economies in rural areas that are not intensive agro-industrial activities is so important, she says. (Subtitles by Nilo Ramos)

Watch the video here: Entrevista a Carlota Mateos Editada – YouTube

Diego Fernández: The climate crisis is happening now

Diego Fernández is 21 years old and lives in Madrid. The year 2019 was the time he became aware that he had to do more than recycle. With the climate mobilizations taking place around the world and the “Greta Thunberg boom”, he understood that climate change was something really important that was personally going to affect him and his future. Therefore he got involved in climate activism by joining the youth organization Juventud x el Clima.

Watch the video here: Entrevista a Diego Fernández Editada – YouTube

Miriam Campos Leirós: We need structural changes

Working as a teacher, Miriam Campos Leirós realised that children were able to recognize commercial brand logos sooner than various species of trees or birds. From that awareness she became concerned about the decline in nature knowledge in the public. (Subtitles by Marco Ybáñez)

Watch the video here: Entrevista Miriam Campos Leirós Editada – YouTube



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